Sunday, July 29, 2012

10 Years

It had to come sometime. My 10 year high school reunion. I had the pleasure of decorating for the event. Poor Trevor was forced into hanging lights, garlands and building things. Thank you Husband. It was lovely to see people I hadn't seen in years and it was lovely to see people I always see. The highlight of my night was when the night dwindled to Jessie, Laura and my dear German Kirsten. We danced the rest of the night away. Ending the night with my dearest friends is the absolute best. More photos to come.

Trevor Meet Trevor.

Friday, July 20, 2012


All day I have been thinking about what happened in Colorado and the senseless act of violence that took the lives of so many and all day I've watched (thanks to social media sites) how easily we brush it aside and forget. But we shouldn't.

My heart breaks for Colorado and yours should to. How many of these shootings will it take to recognize no good will come from being able to buy an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle capable of carrying up to 100 rounds where one bullet can go through two people at once? Is this really what our founding fathers had in mind with 'the right to bear arms?'

My prayers and thoughts are on you Colorado.

Psalms 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Korean Love.

When we moved to Blackfalds Trevor and I noticed that every single business was owned by Koreans. Now, if you lived in Central Alberta you'd know that it is a province full of white people, so this was big news. Being the chatty guy that my husband is, all the Koreans soon found out that there was an adopted Korean girl that didn't know how to make kimchi and they were not having that.

Well, today one of the nice Korean ladies in town came by and dropped off this! Basically I'm in Korean heaven....

Being adopted from a place with such a rich culture can be weird as I feel like I should know the culture...yet I grew up 'white'. I've always wanted to feel more connected to Korea and at the same time there is a piece of me that wants to stay far away from it. It's been really lovely to be so embraced by all the Koreans here and wanting to show me my roots and where I came from. I'm learning how to make some Korean dishes next week and maybe in the process I'll feel a little bit more healed.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Dog's Life.

My Duck. 
My Rawhide

                                                                             My sister Liz Lemon

                                                                                 My 'niece' Lyla
                                                                                  Sleepy Time.

Well, that's about it. Woof Woof.